Set against the thrilling backdrop of the late 1970s and early 1980s France, Libre dives into the captivating life of Bruno Sulak (played by Emily in Paris star Lucas Bravo), a notorious and charismatic thief who stole not only treasures but hearts as well. Inspired by the true story of Sulak’s legendary escapades, the film brings to life his audacious heists—planned with charm and finesse, yet remarkably carried out without a single shot fired.
As Sulak’s reputation as a masterful criminal grows, so does the relentless pursuit by Police Commissioner George Moréas, portrayed by Yvan Attal (Ad Vitam), a cunning detective known for his skill in tracking down even the most elusive criminals.
The tension mounts as Moréas closes in, only for Sulak to execute daring prison escapes that cement his status as a folk hero with an unyielding thirst for freedom—and a fierce desire to reunite with his lover, Annie, brought to life by Léa Luce Busato (Alex Hugo). Their love affair becomes a symbol of rebellion, leading audiences through a high-stakes game of cat and mouse that holds the nation spellbound.
The Libre Cast & Creative Team
Directed by Mélanie Laurent (The Dancers), Libre features a stellar cast, with Lucas Bravo bringing his charm and intensity to the role of Sulak. Léa Luce Busato stars as Annie, while Yvan Attal portrays the tenacious George Moréas. The ensemble cast includes Rasha Bukvic (Breathe), Steve Tientcheu (Aka), David Murgia (The Night of the 12th), Léo Chalié (Reign Supreme), and Slimane Dazi (Ourika), who all contribute to this richly woven crime drama.
Written by Mélanie Laurent and Chris Deslandes, with production by Alain Goldman, Libre combines historical elements with dynamic storytelling to bring the real-life saga of Bruno Sulak to modern audiences.
Thematic Depth and Release
Through thrilling action and intricate character dynamics, Libre not only tells a tale of heists and escapes but also explores themes of freedom, loyalty, and defiance against all odds. Premiering today, November 1, Libre will be available on Prime Video in over 240 countries and territories, offering audiences worldwide a chance to experience this high-energy, emotionally charged journey into the heart of a true outlaw legend.
Text: Marco Kokkot, Images: Amazon Prime Video